Dear Friends in Christ, 

By the grace of God, the Holy Spirit is moving in New Hampshire with a reach of effervescent vitality. We are experiencing new shoots on the vine of Christ’s love and presence in our lives, our churches, and in the world. What a perfect time to embark on a capital campaign as our way to nurture the Body of Christ flourishing here in New Hampshire. 

Through From Deep Roots, New Life, we will continue to provide fertile soil to nourish these new shoots, and to provide the support – the trellis – that will sustain the vine as it continues to thrive. 

This capital campaign will build on all the ways the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire encourages our faith, provides support for our communities, and continues to make a difference in people’s lives during times of joy and sorrow. We are fully present to each other because we trust in our God-given gifts. 

The funds gathered from the From Deep Roots, New Life campaign will train our current and future lay and clergy leaders, will place leaders in faith communities that need them, and will continue to support innovative expressions of faith, like our Gospel-oriented communities that emerge in our midst, nimble and welcoming to those who don’t find God in more traditional churches. By providing prayerful and well-funded training, placement, and support, our diocese is committed to everyone’s flourishing. 

This church is wildly alive, growing out of roots that are hidden in the earth and yet ever greening. From deep roots, new life! We are investing in our people, in our diverse and vibrant church communities, and in our future. We invite you to become a vital partner in this dynamic capital campaign as we say YES to God’s hope in us. 

Faithfully and gratefully yours in Jesus Christ,