We are thrilled to announce that we have officially kicked off the public phase of From Deep Roots, New Life. Thanks to your generosity during the silent phase of the campaign, we have raised $1.8 million toward our $2 million goal. With your continued and generous support during the public phase, we will reach our goal in June! 

The videos below, starting with Bishop Rob’s message, demonstrate how our fundraising initiatives are already making a big difference in our church communities.

Help us spread that good word!

“I like and support this plan; especially that it aims to support mission and ministry not bricks and mortar.”

— Marcia Stone, Member, St. Thomas Church in Hanover

“What excites me most is seeing how many others appreciate this forward-looking plan!”

— Rev. Celeste Hemingson

“Help funding a full-time rector gave the vestry a new level of energy and focus. We didn’t spend our meetings stressing over the budget, but instead were able to focus on our mission and service. Eight months after calling our new rector, the congregation grew, our youth programs were revitalized, and we completed a very successful stewardship campaign.”

— Ron Rodgers, Treasurer, St. George’s Church in Durham

“With these funds the diocese has our back!”

– Bob Leonard, Sr., Building & Grounds Chair, St. Christopher’s Church in Hampstead